Research questions.

I saw this CommTech brief as a good opportunity to learn something new and develop some more skills. So it got me thinking about what I would be doing in the near future, I wanted to get away from traditional forms of design. So my first question was.

QUESTION 1 : What will I be doing in 5 years time, what skills will I need?

I knew things were becoming more interactive, things have been for a while but its becoming more mainstream because the technology is becoming more affordable and available. I wanted to be more prepared for the future so I wanted to learn new programs that i thought would be relevant to me in the future. First of all I was thinking of doing a ycn brief and was going to do animation so I thought I would learn Cinema 4d a 3d environment software to create 3d models or animations.

An through my research mainly and which I check on a daily basis. I decided i wanted to learn processing which is like learning a new language but the things you can do with it visually are amazing. I started learning it from scratch from a book and I'm still learning apparently it can take about 3 years to learn but atleast i started sooner rather than later.

Whilst I was learning programming I had a look at pure data and max msp but decided to leave them for a while and come back later.

All this research was initially preaparation for the competition briefs because I wanted to actually produce some work and get my name out there.

Eventually I became conscious of getting some work experience so I wanted to design a porfolio website to get my name out there, so I saw all the work that i as learning at the beining of the brief as portfolio work and the processing informed my progrmming skills.

QUESTION 2 : How to make a good protfolio website?

This made me think about how i want to represent myself, how do i want to come across to other people in a professional manner. This lead on to question 3.

QUESTION 3 : Identity, who am I as a visual communicator and how to I show this?

I started to read articles and books on how to contact a prospective employer, what attributes a designer needs etc. I think this is what made it hard for me to make my website I keep on constantly changing my idea.

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