Logo Design

Did a logo design for Jay's bro's music video production company Left Eye Blind. Tis nich nich getting used for the main logo but might get used for the childrens devision, had fun doing something that was live for once, going to try and develop some other ideas...

Testing 1 2 3

I double exposed a roll of film with my standard point and shoot yashica 35mm and about 6/36 images double exposed and out of those 6 1 of them was spot on. But thats the difference between digital and film photography the results are not immediate and i think you learn more as you need to be more careful with how you shoot your images. But basically what i learned is that i need to under expose all my photos on the first round so when that second person shoots both images are visible. But i cant control the iso on my point and shoot so i need to use a different camera! I will make a list of do's and don'ts for the people i want to give films to.

scrappy doo.

I have completely changed my idea the collecting of peoples things wasnt going anywhere so i have decided to still go in the the way of photography because i am enjoying that but i have decided to do double exposures, the method where i shoot a roll of film, then give the film to someone else to shoot over. Then the book i am going to make will be a collection of the photos. The collection its self will be a collection of photos where we wont know what the outcome is. Then i will make a book from these pictures.