By looking back at my first year of being a viscomer, and by looking back at the projects I have done. I have realized that I want to do everything, from illustration to photography and web design to moving image, I have enjoyed all these areas and still want to learn more. I guess I want to be a jack of all trades, I don’t want to pigeon hole my self of course I want to come to the best of my abilities in these areas, but there is nothing stopping me from combining these areas and finding new visual ways of communication.
The first project was reportage which was strictly illustration, my aim for that project was to speed up my drawing, which I think I accomplished, but I don’t think that I have used the skill much or if at all since.
The second project was love hate technology in which I created a website on my loves and hates of the subject. I enjoyed the website making process although I was not completely satisfied with the end result of my site. I found what I learned very useful and motivating to give web design as an option. I also became interested in moving image from using flash to make animated gifs and buttons.
The third project was Student habits, which I just wasn’t feeling till very late in the project. This is where I wanted to use moving image for my project I wanted to do an animation for the love hate project but I didn’t have enough time so I did a stop frame animation for this brief instead. I did enjoy this and was pleased with the results and I gained a real respect for stop frame animation because it takes a lot of work.
And finally for the last project of the year I created a brand and made clothes but I spoke about that down below and don’t want to repeat myself.